Tips for Staying Motivated with Your Workout Routines when the Temperatures Drop
- Just as with most things, setting out a plan for your goals is a great way to stay motivated. Instead of waiting for New Year's resolutions, start setting those goals now. Whether it's to feel better about yourself, lose a few pounds, or even just de-stress. Once those goals are set, create a plan to get there even if it's just adding the workouts into your calendar...it'll give those sessions more importance.
- Schedule in your workouts, write them in your planner, and pretend it's a doctor's appointment you can't miss!
- Cold weather doesn't mean you can't exercise. We've got a ton of fun Group Exercise classes that are much more appealing than running outside on a cold day!
- Buddy up (accountability) – If you don't have one and it's holding you back, you'll quickly find that at the Y. Having a workout partner gives you an incentive (other than exercise) to do something active. It'll help change your perspective of working out to something a little more enjoyable and sociable. It's also much more difficult to cancel on a friend than to just decide not to go yourself.
- Remind yourself why it's important! In those moments when you have to climb out of a warm, cozy bed and head into the cold it can be difficult to remember how great you will feel afterwards. Exercising on those dark, cold days will actually help boost your body's "feel good" endorphins to help blast away those winter blues.
How can the YMCA help...what programs are going on?
We have Health & Wellness Directors and personal trainers at each branch to help with those goals, keep you motivated, and on track. As part of your membership at the Y, you receive a FREE wellness appointment with one of our wellness specialists to help you get started, discuss your wellness and nutrition goals, and how to reach them.
- Group Exercise classes (which are free with a membership) – All branches continue to add classes as requested by our members.
- Register for the Y's Holiday Wellness Challenge, where you'll complete a certain amount of workouts...plus, get an awesome ugly sweatshirt to enjoy over the winter months!
- Join us on Thanksgiving morning for the 13th Annual Turkey Trot 1-Mile Fun Run & Walk and 5K. A great way to make room for the turkey, potatoes, and pie that awaits!
- Take advantage of our Cyber Monday Personal Training Promotion (November 29).
- Don't forget about our Specialized Training classes such as TRX, Barre, and BogaFit.