November 14 - December 31
Y Members $25 | Community Members $50
Challenge Details:
- All participants receive an Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt. Sweatshirts will be ordered after you register, so please REGISTER EARLY so you can enjoy it all season long!
- Complete 18 workouts between November 14 - December 31. There will be weekly challenges with prize drawings to help keep you motivated and stick with your workouts throughout the holidays.
- Ages 5 and up may participate – enjoy completing this challenge with the whole family!
- Workouts can be any combination of self-led workouts, Specialized Training classes, Personal Training sessions, or Group Exercise classes.
- Y Members: tracking sheets will be kept in a binder at the Front Desk of the YMCA you register at.
- Community Members: tracking sheets will be emailed to you. Sweatshirts and prizes must be picked up from the front desk of the YMCA you registered at.