At the YMCA of Lincoln, people make everything possible. We are so grateful for the wonderful staff we have that not only make the Y a great place to be, but serve our community every day. Keep reading to meet one of our amazing team members:
Todd Johnson, YMCA Youth Sports Executive Director
How long have you been working at the YMCA of Lincoln?
I have been working full-time in YMCA Youth Sports since 2003.
What other oles have you had at the Y?
I worked as a basketball official part-time while I was in college. In my full-time employment with the Lincoln YMCA, I have been a Program Director, Associate Executive Director, and the last 10 years I have been the Executive Director of Youth Sports.
What makes the YMCA of Lincoln different than other places you've worked?
The great people that I get to work with every day; this includes staff, volunteers, and participants. The work that is done every day at the Y make the community a better place for all.
What has been your proudest career moment and why?
I think. my proudest moment and best thing about my job is developing new programs for the community. I really enjoy being able to brainstorm new program ideas with the staff and then watching the participants in these programs.
What is one of your favorite memories from working at the Y?
I have many favorite memories of my time working at the Y. One that always brings a smile to my face is the first year we held the Itty Bitty Sports Sampler Clinic for four and five year olds. The second week of the programs was the golf session and I was worried the session wasn't going to go well since we were giving out a plastic golf club to the 26 participants in the session. The staff from the PGA of Nebraska were leading the session and they brought a blow up dinosaur for the participants to use as a target – the first participant to walk into the facility yelled out "Mom they have a dinosaur, I'm so excited!" The session was great and we are currently in the eighth year of the program.
What is the best advice you've ever received?
My dad told me to find a job/career that you enjoy going to every day and gives you fulfillment.
What's something most people don't know about you?
I was late for my interview to become a Program Director with Youth Sports because I went to the apartment complex attached to the old Downtown Y instead of the Administrative Offices across the street. Luckily, I walked into the Downtown Y and Bob showed me the correct location for the interview
We want to extend our sincerest thanks and congratulations to Todd for helping to make the YMCA of Lincoln a great place for 20 years! We can't wait to see how he will continue to make a difference in our community in the future.