DHHS Child Care Subsidy (formerly Title XX) Provider ID for this program at the Cooper YMCA is 19353491Provider ID for this program at the Copple Family YMCA is 93518180Provider ID for this program at the Fallbrook YMCA is 00977159Provider ID for this program at the Northeast YMCA is 69871506Provider ID for this program at the Campbell CLC is 19194432Provider ID for this program at the Pershing CLC is 00977134DHHS Child Care Subsidy is accepted. The parent/guardian is responsible for the $35 application fee, per the agreement between the YMCA and NE DHHS.Proof of DHHS Child Care Subsidy authorization is required and must be received by May 1, 2025 to avoid forfeiting your child’s spot in the program. The parent/guardian is responsible for ensuring that the authorization for care remains current during the dates that the child attends the Y program and receives care. To obtain an authorization for the correct program please provide your case-worker/ACCESSNebraska representative with the correct Provider ID for the program your child will attend. Provider ID's associated with each branch are listed in the section titles above.Families responsible for a Family Fee per their DHHS authorization must pay the Family Fee by the 1st of each month.To register, complete and submit the online 2025 Enrollment Form, Direct Draft, and DHHS Questionnaire* Access to a computer is available at any YMCA branch. For questions, please email childcaresubsidy@ymcalincoln.org or call the Lincoln YMCA Administrative Office at 402-434-9212.