Out of School Days is a licensed child care program offered at the Cooper, Copple Family, Fallbrook & Northeast YMCA locations on some Lincoln Public Schools non-school days for youth in Kindergarten through age 13.

Out of School Days

Out of School Days is a licensed child care program offered at the Cooper, Copple Family, Fallbrook & Northeast YMCA locations on some Lincoln Public Schools non-school days for youth in Kindergarten through age 13.

Registration Dates & Information

Winter/Spring 2024-2025 Registration Opens:

Lincoln Y Household Members: August 6, 2024

Youth/Community Members: August 8, 2024


Fall/Spring 2025-2026 Registration Opens:

Lincoln Y Household Members: August 5, 2025

Youth/Community Members: August 12, 2025


2024-2025 Dates: 

September 3 (only offered at Copple Family and Fallbrook YMCA's)

October 11, 14, 15

November 5, 27

December 23, 26, 27, 30

January 2, 3, 20

February 17, 18

March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

April 18, 21

Time: 7:15am-5:45pm


Lincoln Y Family Member: $35/day per child
Lincoln Y Youth Member or Community Member: $56/day per child

A $10 nonrefundable deposit will be due at the time of registration for each day and each child that you enroll. The $10 deposit will then be subtracted from the total amount you owe for each day. Payments will automatically withdraw 10 days prior to the Out of School dates you registered for.


A general schedule will be posted at each site on the day of the program. Program staff plan fun and developmentally appropriate activities. Activities include crafts, games, gym time, and/or swimming! On each Out of School Day, participants should come to the Y with a swimming suit and sack lunch. All activities are included in the cost of the program; you do not need to send extra money with your child. Our activities will take place during the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm. Please plan accordingly.

Lunch & Snacks

Participants will need to bring a sack lunch each day as lunch is NOT provided. We recommend packing 4 out of the 5 food groups. Please label peanut butter. Please do not pack any soda. A nutritious snack is provided each afternoon.

Other Recommended Items

Swim Suit & Towel: swimming is always in our back-up plan, even if it is not on our schedule initially.
Outdoor Wear: We try to go outside if possible. Please ensure your child has a jacket/outdoor wear and proper footwear for outdoor play.
Backpack/Bag: It is helpful if your child brings everything they will need for the day in a backpack/bag labeled with their first and last name.

Please do not send your child with any additional items or toys from home. Please refer to the Youth, Teen & Family Handbook for a complete list of items not allowed in Out of School Days and other important Non-School Day policies.

Registration Information

Registration is on a first-come/first-served basis. Please pre-register; space is limited each day. 

Waitlist Procedures

If the program is full, you may add a participant to the waitlist online in ActiveNet. Being placed on the waitlist does not guarantee a spot in the program. Please ensure that your contact information is current. Program directors will contact waitlisted individuals on a first come, first served basis as space in the program becomes available. 


When registering your child for Out of School Days, you will have the option to pay the daily fees for the day(s) you are registering for all at once or choose the automatic payment plan. If you select the payment plan, the daily fee for each day of care will be charged 10 days before your child will attend. The YMCA of Lincoln requires program fees to be automatically withdrawn from a credit or debit card. We accept all major credit cards. If your payment information changes at any time please visit the YMCA Front Desk to complete a new Direct Draft Authorization or online through your account under the "Payment Details" section then "Change Auto-Charge Payment", click "Edit" on the already set up payment plan you'd like to update.

Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify. 

Cancelation Policy

A Program Change/Withdraw Form is required for any Out of School Day cancellation at least 2 business days prior to the program in order for your YMCA account to be issued a credit for the daily fee, however the $10 deposit is non-refundable, non-transferable. After two business days, no credits or refunds will be given. The YMCA does not offer child care in the event of weather related school cancelation. If the YMCA cancels an Out of School Days program there will be a refund.