Saturday, April 5 | 11:00AM
Bring your Easter basket, hunt for eggs, and meet the Easter Bunny!
Participants will be divided into three age groups:
0-2 years | 3-5 years | 6-12 years
Event will be held outside in the grassy area behind the Cooper Y and will run until all the eggs are gone (Arrive on time! This event runs quickly!). Please check in at the northwest corner of the parking lot at least 15 minutes prior to the event. In the event of weather, we will move inside the main gym. There will be a 10 egg limit per child–once they've collected their eggs, turn them in to receive an Easter themed goodie bag! Families must bring their own East egg basket.
All participants must register in advance for this event as space is limited.
Y Member | $4
Community Member | $7