LINCOLN, Neb. – In an effort to recognize the heroes that serve the Lincoln community each and every day, the Copple Family YMCA (8700 Yankee Woods Drive) will host a free event open to the public on Thursday, October 10 from 5-7 p.m. The evening will feature vendors and booths from heroes in our community such as police officers, waste management and medical professionals as well as fun and games throughout the facility.
“At the Copple Family YMCA, we connect with our members daily about what they do in the community,” commented Chris Klingenberg, Executive Director for the Copple Family YMCA. “Every day they are out making a difference by what they do with their many talents. By having the Everyday Heroes event, we can recognize those Y members and community members that help make Lincoln an amazing place to live.”
The evening’s festivities will also include a 1-mile Fun Run at 6 p.m. The Fun Run will be $10 per participant for those registering prior to the event or $12 for those who register the day of the event. Runners will each receive an Everyday Heroes cape with proceeds from the event going to the YMCA Annual Campaign for Strong Kids. Registration can be submitted online through ymcalincoln.org, by going to the Copple Family YMCA Facebook page or by registering at the Copple Family YMCA front desk.
For more information on the event or how to become involved, please contact the Copple Family YMCA.