2nd - 8th Grade | 3v3 Recreational Basketball is a low pressure 3 vs. 3 basketball league that focuses on player development. Teams participate in eight games during a five-week season and are guided by volunteer coaches.


3v3 Basketball League

League Description

3v3 Recreational Basketball is a low pressure 3 vs. 3 basketball league that focuses on player development. Teams participate in eight games during a five-week season and are guided by volunteer coaches. Teams are based on school and grade with modified rules for younger grade levels.

3v3 Competitive Basketball is a team only registration selected by the coach. Teams participate in eight games during a five-week season with standings and awards given at the end of the season.


3v3 Recreational Basketball League | 2nd - 8th Grade

3v3 Competitive Basketball League | 3rd - 8th Grade

Registration Information

The registration information for YMCA Spring 3v3 Recreational Basketball is now available.

Early Registration Deadline: January 31 (The fee will be an additional $10 after the early registration deadline)

Middle Registration Deadline: February 18 (The fee will be an additional $30 after the middle registration deadline)

Late Registration Period:  After February 19 (Teams are made after the middle registration deadline so no guarantees on team placement.)


The registration information for YMCA Spring 3v3 Competitive Basketball is now available.

If you are a head coach or team representative, a team roster needs to be submitted by February 21.

Once the team roster is turned in the coach will receive a registration link to send to their players to register for their team.

Players will have from February 25 - March 14 to register for their team.


Game Days

Games will be on Saturday afternoons for all grade levels. The season will be held on April 5, 12, 26 and May 3, 10. Each team will be scheduled for 8 games, with 2 games scheduled on four of the five weeks.

For the 2025 YMCA Spring 3v3 Competitive Basketball League: All teams will play in a single elimination tournament on May 10.


Game Location

Lincoln Public Schools facilities (specific sites to be determined).



3v3 Recreational Basketball League | 2nd - 8th Grade
Teams may create and use their own uniform. A reversible over-the-shoulder navy-white mesh jersey can be worn. The jersey will be used each year for YMCA Micro and Recreational Basketball. Cost is $15. Players who have a YMCA Basketball jersey from previous seasons can continue to wear it.

3v3 Competitive Basketball League | 3rd - 8th Grade
Teams may create and use their own uniform. Teams must have either alternate or reversible uniform in the event of color conflict with opponent. Jerseys must have number either on back or front.


3v3 Recreational Basketball League 2nd - 8th Grade

Lincoln YMCA Members $37 | Community Members $47

3v3 Competitive Basketball League 3rd - 8th Grade

Lincoln YMCA Members $44 | Community Members $54

Other Equipment

Jewelry is not allowed to be worn during YMCA Youth Sports activities. This includes earrings (earrings cannot be taped). No hard casts/splints are allowed during matches/games.


Andrew Lee, Program Director | alee@ymcalincoln.org | 402-434-9214