Fit for Life is a class designed for active older adults. It's a low-impact workout combining cardio and conditioning for all levels of fitness.

Fit for Life is a class designed for active older adults. It's a low-impact workout combining cardio and conditioning for all levels of fitness.

Fit for Life Classes

To help you determine which classes you would feel most comfortable in, we have ranked each class by intensity level and complexity of choreography.
Complexity of Choreography: L-Low, M-Medium, H-High
Exercise Intensity:1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High 


Perfect place to start an exercise program due to the no or low impact buoyancy factor that offers natural resistance from the water. (50+)

Improve balance, range of motion, flexibility and strength through poses led with the assistance of a chair. Learn the basics of complete breathing, how to perform stretches safely, and relax mindfully.

Have fun and move to the music through a variety of seated chair exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activity for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, tubing with handles and a ball are used for resistance. (50+)

Get a full body workout with cardio and strength to the beat of fun music and a variety of exercises that may also utilize a chair. Exercises are designed to increase cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and increase balance to help improve movements of daily living. (50+)