Youth Sports at the YMCA of Lincoln are available for children in preschool through 12th Grade with seasons running year-round. Below are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Contact the YMCA Youth Sports office at 402-434-9217 for any additional questions.
The player is generally assigned to a team by school area, grade and previous team assignment. Accommodations may be made for friend or coach requests but no guarantees are made that these requests can be fulfilled. The YMCA has final jurisdiction on the team in which players are assigned.
The YMCA believes it is important for participants to play with their friends in their own grade level. It is possible to play one grade level above but players wishing to do so must sign up in person at the YMCA Youth Sports Office. It is not possible for a child to play at a grade level lower.
All coaches of YMCA Sports leagues are volunteers. Volunteering to coach a youth sports team can be a rewarding experience and a service to the youth of our community - but most of all - it's tons of fun! The YMCA will provide manuals, a clinic and mentors to get coaches started. If you are interested in coaching, please mark this during registration.
Practices are set up by the coach in cooperation with the players once per week for 1 hour. Practices may begin after Coach Packet Pick-up. Contact your coach about practice questions or cancellations. Micro League teams will only practice on the day of their schedule games.
Coaches and spectators need to remember that the Youth Sports leagues are designed for young people. We strive to incorporate a positive, low-key, less stressful, non-competitive atmosphere for our participants. Inappropriate or negative behavior will not be permitted and expulsion from the league is possible.
Yes! Financial Assistance applicants must apply either online or in person at the Youth Sports office. The application will take 7 to 10 business days to process. Discounts are based on income, number of dependents, etc. Payment for all leagues is required when registering.
Each registration period has a deadline to ensure there is time to prepare teams for the season. All registrations must be made online or by sending the registration form to the Youth Sports office either via mail or in person. Registrations cannot be taken over the phone or by fax machine. Forms sent in by mail must be postmarked by the deadline. Late registrations are usually not processed or sent back until after the coaches' pick-up date. A late fee is assessed to cover the costs to place participants. Any late registration not placed on a team will be sent back in its entirety.
Yes! We have member and community member rates for each registration.
YMCA Youth Sports has a 75 percent credit on your account or a refund back to the payment type you used during the registration process before the start of the season. YMCA Youth Sports does not issue refunds after the season has started. There is a $20 fee on all returned checks.
The YMCA Youth Sports Cancellation Line (402) 434-9211 is updated as soon as a cancellation decisions have been made. In addition, notifications will be sent through Playerspace and posted on the YMCA of Lincoln website.
YMCA Youth Sports believes in safety for all participants and recognizes the potential danger and health consequences associated with traumatic brain injury. All coaches and parents must be knowledgeable regarding the signs/symptoms of concussion and the procedures following a diagnosed concussion. The YMCA Youth Sports staff will email out the CDC "Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports" free online training prior to each season. Additional concussion training materials including signs and symptoms of sports concussions, sports concussions fact sheet for coaches, sports concussions fact sheet for parents is posted below.